Introducing SparkleXRM Metadata Server

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Speed up your HTML web resources by caching metadata such as localised field labels and options sets.

If you've developed an HTML web resource for Dynamics CRM that includes field labels, option sets or any other element that is stored in the Dynamics CRM metadata then you’ll know about the delay each time the your UI is rendered whilst information is downloaded from the server. You could of course hard code this information in your JavaScript but you'd suffer higher maintenance costs especially when supporting multiple languages.

The SparkleXRM Metadata Server allows dynamic expressions to be included in JavaScript Web Resources that are evaluated on the server and then cached on the client side.

var fieldLabel = <@contact.fullname.DisplayName@>;

This will output and cache the following on the client (for an LCID of 1033):

var fieldLabel = "Full Name";

Learn more about the SparkleXRM Metadata Server!

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