Speed up your HTML web resources by caching metadata such as localised field labels and options sets.
If you've developed an HTML web resource for Dynamics CRM that includes field labels, option sets or any other element that is stored in the Dynamics CRM metadata then you’ll know about t... [More]
I've now published all 5 videos in this series.
If you find yourself needing to create HTML Webresource in Dynamics CRM then I'm sure you will find something here of interest. Part 5 shows how to use the new SparkleXRM Metadata Server that I'll be publishing a post on very soon.
Part 1 - Cre... [More]
I'm sure by now that you've seen the new hierarchical visualisations in Dynamics CRM 2015. By clicking on the little icon in lists or on a form you can see the records graphically laid out. In true Dynamics CRM style anything you can do through the user interface is accessible through the SDK and s... [More]
I've just published the latest version of SparkleXRM on NuGet to make it easier to use from within Visual Studio.
You can simply add a NuGet reference to SparkleXRM and the dependancies will be pulled in as well.
PM> Install-Package SparkleXRM
Once installed, the Sparkle XRM assemblies will be... [More]
I've just committed an update to SparkleXRM with CRM2015 support and the process client API. One of the design decisions I made early on with SparkleXRM was to stick with a CRM2011 solution format to allow installation on both CRM2011 and CRM2013. Now that CRM2015 does not support installing CRM2011... [More]
If you are doing Sparkle XRM development then you'll find these code snippets I've created for VS2012 very useful. You can grab them from the master repository: https://github.com/scottdurow/SparkleXrm/tree/master/SnippetsTo start using these snippets you simply need to copy the contents of the Snip... [More]
When I blogged about my CRM 2013 Start Menu solution I said I would also post about how it caches metadata on the client – so here is that post!
Metadata is the information that describes other data and in the case of CRM 2013 metadata describes entities, relationships and attributes as well ... [More]
When Windows 8 didn't have a 'Start Menu' there was so much fuss that we saw it return with Windows 8.1 (sort of). If you miss the navigation style of CRM 2011 you might find my CRM 2013 Start Menu solution very helpful.
The solution provides a 'Start menu' on most screens that provides drop down m... [More]
Those of you who've attended an event that I've been speaking at will know that I quote often talk about my kids…My daughter is absolutely mad about Moshi Monsters. Right about the time I was dreaming up SparkleXRM, my daughter was just beginning her obsession and insisting that I spend quali... [More]
If you have any Silverlight Web Resources in your site map that are hosted by an HTML Web Resource, you may find that when you upgrade to CRM2013 and use the pull down Application Bar the Silverlight page is rendered on top of the navigation buttons so that they are obscured and hidden from the user... [More]