The cream cracker conundrum (or customising the sub grid command bar)

I still find the streamlined user experience offered by the Command Bar a welcome change from the CRM2011 Ribbon. The sub-grid command bar is the only possible exception with the loss of the ability to add custom sub-grid buttons. There are only at most two buttons on a sub grid – 'Add' and 'O... [More]

Ribbon Workbench 2015 (Happy New Year!)

Happy New Year – I hope 2015 will bring you lots of good things. Dynamics CRM 2015 upgrades are rolling out to Dynamics CRM online organisations with rapidly increasing frequency and so I have updated the Ribbon Workbench for 2015 support. You will see a new update notification when you next o... [More]

And then there were seven!

If you've updated to the CRM2013 Spring '14 Wave (Service Pack 1) I think you'll agree that it contains some pretty awesome features. You can read a good roundup of the developer features in the SDK ( but have you noticed t... [More]

Create a command bar button for your custom activities

When creating a new custom activity entity you are presented with a great many checkboxes to choose from. One of these checkboxes is 'Display in Activities Menus' that will ensure that the activity type is included in the Activities Menu on records

The Custom Activities flyout menu is a dynamical... [More]

Ribbon Workbench updated - getServerUrl is removed in CRM2013 UR2

With CRM2013 UR2 being released very soon I have made an update to the Ribbon Workbench that you'll be prompted to install by the auto update when you next open the Ribbon Workbench. I strongly advise you to install this update before you install UR2 otherwise the Ribbon Workbench will no longer wor... [More]

Form File->Properties dialog in CRM 2013

One of the lesser known features of CRM 2011 was the File->Properties dialog that you could view on a record form. It would look something like:

This dialog was very useful for finding out the effective permissions of the current user on a particular record but in CRM 2013 it is no longer pres... [More]

Restore Add Activity buttons in CRM 2013

By default the CRM2013 form Command Bar doesn't show the old 'Add' tab buttons for activities. The intension is that users will want to use the new Activities Tab control on the forms as show below:

In an upgrade from CRM 2011 you may want to preserve the add activity buttons on a form. This post... [More]

Upgraded to Orion? Upgrade to Ribbon Workbench for CRM2013

If your Dynamics CRM Online instance has been upgraded to Orion (CRM2013) you will need to upgrade to the latest version of the Ribbon Workbench for CRM2013. Since the Ribbon Xml Schema has changed slightly with CRM2013, the old version will no longer work. Upgrade Steps:

Open Settings->Solut... [More]

4 things you need to know about the Command Bar

This post provides the important information you need to know in order to transition to customising the Command Bar in Dynamics CRM 2013. 1. The Command Bar is a Ribbon in disguise! The Ribbon Bar in Dynamics CRM 2013 to a certain degree has been replaced by the Command Bar but it still exists on ... [More]