SharePoint Integration Reloaded – Part 1

Back in the day when CRM2011 was first in beta I blogged about the exciting SharePoint integration and how it works. This post is about the exciting new server side SharePoint integration that is now available as part of CRM2013 SP1 Online. There has already been some good posts on how to set up Sh... [More]

Polymorphic Workflow Activity Input Arguments

I often find myself creating 'utility' custom workflow activities that can be used on many different types of entity. One of the challenges with writing this kind of workflow activity is that InArguments can only accept a single type of entity (unlike activity regarding object fields). The followin... [More]

Monitor, Monitor, Monitor

I once heard someone say that "the great thing about Dynamics CRM is that it just looks after itself" Whilst CRM2013 is certainly very good at performing maintenance tasks automatically, if you have a customised system it is important to Monitor, Monitor, Monitor! There are some advanced ways of set... [More]

My top 3 fixes in CRM2013 SP1

There are great many new features shipped in CRM2013 SP1 but let's not forget there are some eagerly awaited fixes as well (as described by Since there has already been plenty of coverage of the new features, I thought I would pick out my top 3... [More]

And then there were seven!

If you've updated to the CRM2013 Spring '14 Wave (Service Pack 1) I think you'll agree that it contains some pretty awesome features. You can read a good roundup of the developer features in the SDK ( but have you noticed t... [More]

Create a command bar button for your custom activities

When creating a new custom activity entity you are presented with a great many checkboxes to choose from. One of these checkboxes is 'Display in Activities Menus' that will ensure that the activity type is included in the Activities Menu on records

The Custom Activities flyout menu is a dynamical... [More]