If you've updated to the CRM2013 Spring '14 Wave (Service Pack 1) I think you'll agree that it contains some pretty awesome features.
You can read a good roundup of the developer features in the SDK (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg309589.aspx#BKMK_NewInSpring2014) but have you noticed t... [More]
If you are doing Sparkle XRM development then you'll find these code snippets I've created for VS2012 very useful. You can grab them from the master repository: https://github.com/scottdurow/SparkleXrm/tree/master/SnippetsTo start using these snippets you simply need to copy the contents of the Snip... [More]
When creating a new custom activity entity you are presented with a great many checkboxes to choose from. One of these checkboxes is 'Display in Activities Menus' that will ensure that the activity type is included in the Activities Menu on records
The Custom Activities flyout menu is a dynamical... [More]