No-Code Workflow Shortcut Ribbon Button

Users are always asking about making solutions 'less-clicky' - a common request is to provide a button to run a frequently used workflow rather than having to use the look up dialog. The following solution shows you how to do this without writing a single line of code! http://ribbonworkbench.userv... [More]

Small is beautiful – Useful Ribbon Buttons

I am forever having to copy record link urls and extract the record GUID from the query string and remove the escape characters. Last week was the straw that broke the camel's back so I had to create a Ribbon Button to do it for me. It is my pleasure to present to you the 'Useful Buttons' solu... [More]

Ribbon Workbench demo at eXtremeCRM!

Yesterday, Jim Daly demoed the Ribbon Workbench in his session on 'Dynamics CRM Extensibility:  Tools, Resources, and What’s New' at eXtremeCRM in Las Vagas. Coincidently, last week the Ribbon Workbench moved out of beta testing. I'm really pleased with how the Ribbon Workbench... [More]